-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, this blog is Basically Clueless, ongoing continuation at blog PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Wednesday, February 19, 2020


I used to post pix of my novelty sox all over the place. That stopped when a silent follower finally popped up in my DM sharing a foot fetish I was evidently stimulating. I was instantly grossed out and stopped sharing my love of novelty sox.

People giving me any kind of attention generally irk me, and sexual attention of any kind instantly repels me.

I didn't date at all until I was out of high school. I find dating tedious. Scott is the only one I've been able to tolerate, despite my checkered past, mostly colored with alcohol.

Every time I see a pic of my sox now I feel sad that a stupid person had to ruin it for me. I cringe every time remembering that.

I think that bothers me more than all the others. I've never yet figured out why.


Per the usual, assessing back into physical therapy flared up my neck. Fun and games. Blood pressure is staying down though. Oh, yeah, wound up in ER again yesterday over another hypertensive break out (220/130), so I'm finally getting better educated about the happiness of clonidine as needed. 170/anything plus a headache is considered hypertensive emergency. 😒 Guess I'd better pay attention.

Anyway, PT starts in March. Been way too cold lately to get out so I'm good with that.

Total 9 pounds down now since New Year. Yay.

Oh, back to the blood pressure. Pretty sure it's coffee. Like, third time now it's blown up around coffee. I really gotta get off that stuff. 😢

Accidentally going incognito while I'm wrestling with emoji. I loathe blogger on phone.

I think it heard me. We're bouncing around like a fencing dual.

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