-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, this blog is Basically Clueless, ongoing continuation at blog PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Sunday, January 19, 2020


Did the latest huge W10 update (aka complete rewrite) and now I'm desperately deleting and moving files from C drive to D drive. I'm running into all kinds of stuff.

Like, here is my dad as a kid.

And a lot of other things that include some interesting street zooms, source code stalking, and heart rending memories.

I kept some of it, trashed the rest. The screenshots of statistic street zooms are mostly gone, the complicit screenshots of the posts involved getting outrageous hits numbers are mostly gone, most of the private convos went poof, and I no longer care about most of the info I stalked.

But remember this. I really do know where some of you live, work, and vacation. The difference between the old hecklers and the new actual baddies was shocking. The biggest gut punch was my family being stalked. You'd think it would have been an actual baddie. I'd love to show off the piles of intel I had to the family stalker, because he'd have peed his pants.

It was a game for me. Lexx was a game. TV reviews were a game. Then I joined the anons. Q is a very big deal. I watched several outed anons take personal hits that should have killed them, how they scraped back from nearly dead like that was a frightening testimony to this war we are in.

And that is why I pulled back from everyone and stopped writing. People are dying in this war. Most of my friends are still sound asleep. They have no idea how close we have come, and during the darkest part, which is very soon now, they will be bewildered and scared.

Stock up your supplies, gas up your vehicles, and hunker down when it starts. Comms will go dark, military will protect us on our own soil, and we will patiently see a wonderful new dawn. The RV has begun. Banks will close while monies flip and renew their liquidity as they will begin compliance with the new gold standard, and people will panic because the fake news wont tell us what is really going on. Panic brings looting, fighting, curfews, etc. Be smart. Be ready.

And look up Dinar Recaps blog. Go look intelligently at what has been going on around the world.

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